How does the operations assistant work?

In the initial or creation process of a service, a question that supervisors and managers of human resources make is the number of workers needed to cover the service. It is a process that depends on many variables but that is summarized in the definition of the service quality you want to offer according to the demand to meet. Plus, the quality of service is a quantifiable variable that can be analyzed later to check the ratios of the team's behavior and therefore its results.

Puntos de gestión

The service quality of the human resources of a team of workers can measure the number of workers per shift and the experience of the same with the real or forecasted demand. For example, in nursing the demand can be analyzed according to the number of hospitalized patients, the number of beds, the possible work highs or the difficulty of the treatments. For example, in an emergency service there may be a service quality of 1 nurse per 3 beds or 2 new patients.

The problem is to identify automatically when the estimation in the service quality is not met and therefore have to rotate workers during the same shift from one service to another or make new hiring decisions. To analyze possible results, a demand feature has been developed within aTurnos that contains two main functions. In addition you can also identify the skills or knowledge of the staff to make the best options/ reallocations to set up the team to the real needs. The functions are:

  • Actual situation Shows the current hours coverage by the number of workers within the selected dates. The chart shows the number of workers per hour, which can be filtered according to their location, experience, roles, etc. For example, you can identify by hours the number of workers that have been available on a specific day and with a minimum level of experience or capacity in a specific area. It also allows to advance in time and validate the future number of workers at a given time. The hours include the hours of the schedule plus overtime minus the hours of absenteeism. It is the real computation of the coverage of the team that is held at each moment. It allows a quick visualization of the situation of the team at every moment.
  • Demand. Compare the current status of the number of workers with the demand that is defined by another management system within the company. For example, in the case of hospitals this management system can be Assistance which measures values ​​such as the number of new patients or the type/difficulty of the work involved in each assistance. With this system, we can quickly analyze the positioning of the demand according to the workers and monitor for each hour if we can move workers from one team to another and when they can return to their original service. It can even be analyzed if the workers involved have worked in these other teams so that the learning process in the destination service is minimal.
  • Demand adjustment Fill in the gaps with the available patterns to meet criteria such as: being below the contract hours, have the needed experience or being filtered by the administrator. Assign shifts to workers the moment the demand is not fully covered, in an automated way according to your criteria. Validate this assignment and pass it to the schedule.