Summary of aTurnos tools


The premium service of aTurnos is composed of the basic tools of the application plus professional tools, which are detailed below:

Basic tools

  • The schedule: this feature shows the updated schedule of all the team in a straightforward an simple way. This information is based on the printed schedules used currently in professional teams with rotating shifts. That is why the adaptation of the team is straightforward and simple. This schedule is an updated overview of the service status on real time.
  • The shifts calculator: This tool creates schedules of shifts for the team according to a set of requirements and specifications established by the supervisor.
  • Patterns: The schedules can also be defined by patterns, in case the team has already an established shifts pattern. This patterns can be implemented individually or for a certain group.
  • Changes search: The team or the supervisor can manage the search of shift changes in a coordinated way, always under a previously defined supervision. Which makes managing shift changes more easy and smooth. This tool offers all the possible and allowed shift changes that the workers can make among each other, assuring the inicial coverage required from the service.
  • History: There is a profound record of assignments and shift changes, where the members involved in those changes and the identified users of the system are defined.
  • Statistics: With this information the worker can analyze his work statistics. This information shows charts and tables of worked hours and shifts, the amount of changes, posts on the notice board, etc.
  • Chat: The users can chat privately on a straightforward communication channel. This chat includes audio and video (video-calls) to accelerate the communication.

The socialization increases the collaboration of the team when defining the shifts. Such collaboration increases the efficiency of the team. The socialization within this service includes the next tools:

  • Notice board: This tool is a private and informal network for the team members, where the co-workers post information on the notice board. With this, the comments of the Adminitrator and the team are spread to the hole service members.
  • Contacts: This includes the contact information of the team members (Phone number and email), this way all the team has access to essencial information to comunicate with their co-workers.
  • Debit/Credit: This tool remembers the team members the shifts they have done or the ones they still have to do.
  • Notifications and Reminders: The User can receive a notification via email every time a co-worker posts something on the notice board, a shift change has been made or when the administrator adds new shifts.
  • Share: To share the shifts of the month with friends and family via email with a customizable message. This way a straightforward relation between the personal and the working life is achieved.

Professional Tools

This service includes different tools, among which are:

  • Special validations: The validation of changes or shifts can be made with third parties or undefined elements on the standard version.
  • ERP integration: Your service information is integrated online through a defined interface. This way, a quick integration with ERP systems or others such as SAP or Navision is achieved. This service includes default interfaces for the integration with others, but in case of needing specific or customized integrations, a quotation can be made according to the hours/consultant needed for the development.
  • Data migration: The previous information of users or shifts can be provided from the existing systems. The data flow can be achieved in two ways with the existing elements within the enterprise through previously established interfaces.
  • Microsoft and Adobe documents: On the customized version the data export to the users is made with different types of Microsoft and Adobe files, such as Word, Powerpoint or PDF documents.
  • Advanced calculator: An advanced tool to determine the schedules according to the needs required by the supervisor. On the customized version there are more than 7 algorithms to analyze all the possibilities.
  • The sending of information by SMS: The alerts and notifications of new shifts and changes can be sent by SMS to the involved users. The cost of the SMS sending is an additional cost which the client must approve.
  • Overtime: A control of the overtime worked that offers the possibility to add it in a specific way to a worker along with a description, and retrieve it over the statistics and the Dashboard.
  • Stock of Hours: A complete management of the stock of hours to make replacements or for emergency needs that must be covered according to a definition of the stock.
  • Editable shifts: A specific definition of shifts for every need, where features such as abbreviations, hours, the start of a shift, the possibility of making changes or any other special condition, can be added or edited.
  • Monitoring Absenteeism: Monitoring absenteeism can be done directly from the same schedule. The absence hours are added individually to the schedule and they can be retrieved over the statistics and a specific Dashboard for the absenteeism.

Socialization helps the work team collaborate in the definition and maintenance of work shifts, and the benefits of this collaboration have an impact on team productivity. Within this service, socialization includes the following tools:

  • Megavisor Users: The possibility to add users with unlimited access to monitor. Por example, RH managers or on-call supervisors.
  • Chat: The users can chat privately on a straightforward communication channel. This chat includes audio and video (video-calls) to accelerate the communication.
  • Dashboard II: An advanced Dashboard where the supervisor can analyze more information about the users and the shifts of the team.
  • Alerts and Notices: The generation of alerts when specific situations established by the supervisor occur, such as if the experience of the service does not cover the needs previously defined.
  • Sync to external agendas: The working hours can be synchronized with agendas from other mobile devices, Outlook, task managers, etc.
  • Team´s experience: You can keep track of the team´s experience, or analyze if the desired technical coverage of the team has been achieved during the team´s work.
  • Replacements: A tool to make replacements between co-workers of the same team and control all their new assignments.
  • Customization: aTurnos customizes the layout to each client. The colors and the logo can be customized according to the corporate image of the enterprise, offering a look&feel similar to the enterprise´s intranet and colors.